The 150 Strategy Roulette

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Roulette is not a game for which you can develop certain skills. The outcome of the spin of the wheel is pure chance. Nevertheless, there are several roulette strategies and systems that have been developed to help you bend the odds to your advantage. Use these strategies to increase your chances of winning.

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Roulette strategies overview

Roulette strategyWhat is the strategy?
Fibonacci sequenceYour bet is the sum of the previous two bets.
LabouchereOut of a random sequence of numbers, the bet is always the sum of the outermost numbers.
Martingale systemWhen you lose you double your bet. When you win you start over again.
Red BetYou keep doubling your bet on red whilst keeping a constant bet on black.
D’Alembert systemYou bet only on even chances. When you lose, you raise your bet by one, and when you win you decrease your bet by one.
Columns strategyYou put one credit on the first column, double this on the second column, and quadruple it on the third column.
The ‘one hit’ miracleYou keep betting on a single number.
The memory gameYou bet on all numbers on the table except for the last three numbers that won.
PivotYou bet on the first double number and keep your bet constant for 36 rounds.

Learn the rules of the game or practice for free

Would you like to apply one of these strategies in the game? Play free roulette or play roulette for real money now. Make sure you carefully read the rules of the game first.

150 roulette strategy

Fibonacci sequence

The Fibonacci sequence, the sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers, is a system that can be applied to roulette.

When using this system, you first bet on an even chance. When you lose, count up the two previous bets and make this your new bet. This way, every time you lose you take one step further in the series. When you win a round, you take two steps back in the series. Imagine you win in the fourth round, you will then only bet one credit in the next round.

So, when you lose you should take a step up in the sequence, but when you win you can take two steps back.


The Labouchere roulette system also works with a sequence of numbers, but these numbers are picked by you. With this strategy your bet is based on the two outermost numbers of your sequence. This roulette strategy works as follows:

  1. You write down a random sequence of numbers before you begin, for example 2, 4, 6, 2, 4.
  2. Your bet is then the sum of the two outermost numbers of the sequence (2 + 4 = 6).
  3. When you lose, you write down the amount you lost at the end of the series. The sequence of numbers now becomes 2, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6.
  4. Then you bet the sum of the two outermost numbers again.
  5. When you win, the outer two numbers are crossed out.

With an almost 50% chance of success, the chances of winning are big. This roulette strategy is much-loved by many players.

Martingale system

Out of the various different systems used for playing roulette, the Martingale system is perhaps the most popular. What it boils down to is that you double your lost bet when you lose. When you win, you start over. This roulette system has definitely proved itself. In theory, it is practically impossible to lose with this system. However, it is important to stay disciplined when placing bets; don’t take any unnecessary risks.

Red Bet

When playing roulette, you also have the option to bet on a color. This strategy is called the Red Bet because, statistically speaking, most players bet on red. The idea is to keep doubling the Red bet whilst keeping the bet on the black fields constant. You will start with a bet on red. For the next spin of the wheel, you double your bet on red and place your original bet on black. The same thing happens in the next round, etc. The advantage of this strategy is that you keep your chances constant whilst spreading your bets.

D’Alembert system

In the D’Alembert system, bets are only placed on even chances. When you lose, you add one credit to your bet. When you win, you take one credit off your bet. This will always balance you out at 0 when you make a profit. A simple but effective roulette system.

Column strategy

When using this strategy, you only bet on columns. You bet a small amount on the first column, double this amount on the second column, and quadruple this amount on the third. The bet is doubled with every spin, and the other bets increase at the same rate.

One Hit Miracle

The one hit miracle is based on the idea that the ball will eventually have to land on a certain number. It is reasoned that the longer a ball has not landed on a particular number, the greater the chance that the number will come up soon. When using this strategy, you constantly bet on the same number.

The memory game

With the memory game, you bet on all numbers on the table, except for those that won the last three spins. This roulette strategy is based on the unscientific idea that numbers are not immediately repeated in roulette.


When using this strategy, you must first keep track of the numbers that have won on the table. When a number wins twice, it becomes your ‘pivot’ number. You will now bet on this number for the next 36 spins. This system is based on the ‘law of the third’. According to this law of nature, only 24 different numbers will appear in a series of 36. This means that several numbers will have to appear more than once.




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150 Roulette Strategy

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When you play Roulette, the chances are that you are going to need the best Roulette strategy. After all, if you’re not playing on a level playing field, you can’t really be any more sure of winning than you would playing for your local casino. But it’s not just luck that makes the difference. It is also skills and knowledge. As you play the game, you will learn and become better at it. And you will probably have to tweak your strategy from time to time in order to keep up with what the competition is doing. But there are certain key areas that you should focus on to ensure that your winnings are maximized as well as your losses minimized.

The 150 Strategy Roulette Game

The first key to the best Roulette strategy is to take a few minutes out of your day each week to look over the odds posted in the magazines and online. It’s true that luck is the only factor that you have control over. But it’s also true that you have other things to consider as well. For example, you may not have seen the latest statistics. So what do you do when you notice that you are making more money than usual? There is no simple answer, but some basic steps can help you identify opportunities and minimize your chances of being taken for a ride.

The second key to the best Roulette strategy is to always remember that you’re playing a game of chance. So whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of believing that you can play perfectly at all times. It just isn’t so. Even when you’ve been playing for years, there are chances that you may make a bad move, or even an outright blunder. So, don’t get too confident in yourself, but instead use your common sense and try to be as consistent as possible.

The third key to the best Roulette strategy is to keep your head up and to never get discouraged. It can feel like the odds are stacked against you at every turn, but the fact of the matter is that there is never a sure thing in the world. What you want to focus on is learning how to reduce the amount of risk and increasing your chances of making a large win. while reducing your chances of losing. in the process.

The 150 Strategy Roulette Free

Another area where roulette strategy comes into play is that it is about probability. If you were playing for real money, you’d be counting cards and thinking about what cards to play and when to fold. In Roulette, you are playing with virtual money and the action is entirely based on chance. It all comes down to numbers and probability. If you have a better chance of winning than your opponents, then you’ve made the right bets. So it all comes down to knowing which cards to play and when to lay them.

The 150 Strategy Roulette Wheel

The fourth key to the best Roulette strategy is to not ever quit. Most people tend to quit before they’ve actually got started and it often leads to a loss. The key to your overall odds is being consistent. You will never make a profit playing with a hand that you lose. So give yourself a little time and practice, and you’ll soon be able to read the betting patterns of the other players and pick winners.