Cribbage Rules Run Of 5
For example, if the cards played are 4, 6, 5, the last player pegs 3 for run plus 2 for fifteen. The cards need not be played in sequential order score for run, so long as no foreign cards intervene. For example, if the cards played are 4, K, 6, 5 there is no run. SHOWING: By showing is meant counting and scoring a hand. In the follow sequence of cards does the pone (non-dealer) score 2 runs for a total of six points? After the run of 2-3-4-5 is played can the pone play another 3 to make 4-5-3 into another run? P 2 (2 total) D 3 (5 total) P 4 (9 total) Run for 3 D 5 (14 total) Run for 4 P 3 (17 total) Run for 3?. does this score points? Cribbage play rules on runs? Can you play a 2, then a 5, then a 3, then a 4, does the person who threw the 4 get four points for the a run? The 5,3,4 would be a.
How to count runs at the crib game
When playing the table game at cribbage or crib, you may count the runs or straights of 3 cards and more.
This is regardless of the suites, and each card gives you one point.

Runs made in a non-sequential way do count.
So if you play a 3 then the opponent play a 5 and you put a 4, you get 3-5-4 that is a run of 3 cards. You would get 3 points, one per card.
3 points |

f your opponent would then throw a 2, you get 3-5-4-2 or a 4 cards run that gives him 4 points.
Cribbage Rules Runs
A run can only be formed from cards of the actual round. In other words, once the count is reset because of a 31 or a GO, the card that were played do not count in the runs of the new round.

Some people will not count runs in a non-sequential play. So 5-3-4 does not give any points. Only runs made in order like 3-4-5 or 5-4-3 counts. This in not an official rule.
See also:
Instruction manual - Cribbage game rules
Free cribbage download - Features of the cribbage card game
FAQ on the cribbage software
How To Score A Run Of 5 In Cribbage
Description and rules
Go - The runs - The jack
Using the board and pegs - Card game points
Cards to keep - Cribbage hand example
Cribbage perfect hand or 29